Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Poison Ivy Symptoms and Treatment

If you live in North America and have not yet come in contact with poison ivy, I would say you're lucky, but there is a good chance you some day will. If you have never heard of poison ivy, it is a poisonous plant that grows in North America that causes rashes, swelling, blisters and itchiness to the part of the body that came in contact with the plant. There are three different types of these plants, including poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac, with the latter considered the most toxic. These plants contain urushiol on their leaves, this is what causes the skin irritation. Rashes and other symptoms associated with these plants can occur within 6 to 48 hours from initial contact. The rash can continue to get worse and seem to spread to other parts of the body. This is a big misconception.

Can poison ivy spread to other parts of the body?

The rashes can not be spread to other parts of the body. What ever part of the body that came into contact with the plant is the part of the body that will have the rash. The reason why the rash can get worse as time goes by is because the parts of the body that showed signs initially were the most sensitive to the urushiol oil. The other parts of the body were more resilient to the urushiol chemical.

Is poison ivy contagious?

Many people believe that poison ivy is contagious and can be spread to other parts of the body to other people entirely. This is a very untrue belief. People also believe that the pus filled blisters are contagious if they are broken, this is also untrue. The blisters are just filled with your own bodies fluid attempting to rid the urushiol from your skin.

If you think you've come into contact with one of these plants, there's a possibility you can prevent having any of the symptoms listed above. Once you realized you've touched poison ivy, you need to immediately clean the affected areas with water and soap; alcohol can also be used to clean the areas. If it is too late, and you see that you have a rash a few hours later, you will need to apply calamine lotion or spray. This will reduce the itchiness and dry the rashes. For severe cases of poison ivy, you should consult a doctor, especially if it is in the face and genital areas.

I've recently come into contact with poison ivy and I am currently on day 11. I am still seeing new blisters everyday. The itchiness is quite unbearable, I find myself itching myself more towards the end of the day. This is because during the day our body releases an anti-itch chemical to the areas. When we are ready to go to sleep our body temperature rises, and this chemical is no longer released.

I had it the worse on my wrist with yellow filled blisters. I thought it would be a good idea to pop them, but this was a really bad idea. My wrist literally oozed pus for 5 days straight. I needed to keep the area covered up with a gauze throughout the day.

I've had poison ivy before but this time around I didn't see a doctor. The last time I got poison ivy I did see a doctor and I was prescribed a steroid cream and Methylprednisolone. The cream helped, but the Methylprednisolone made me feel really sick! My doctor suggested I discontinue taking it. I had to lay in bed for a few hours and drink a lot of water to help flush the medication out of me. Methylprednisolone does lower your immune system, so if you do decide to take it, be very careful.

Honestly the best cure for poison ivy is time. Let your body fight it off by itself without any prescriptions. All you really need is water, soap and calamine lotion. Hope you found this article helpful.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Learn How To Control Your Allergies Effectively

More than 50% of the world's population have allergies in their life. You might be one of them. The symptoms are similar to the cold symptoms. However, if you are not aware of those allergy symptoms, they might be fatal for you. This article provide some effective information that can help you to enjoy your life without allergies.

1. Consume probiotics

Probiotics are effective to improve your immune system. By doing so, you will be able to control your allergies effectively. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that can strengthen your immune system. If you have strong immunity, you will be able to fight against allergens easily. You can find probiotics in many fermented products, such as yogurt or kefir. Make sure that you consume these probiotics every day to keep your body healthy.

2. Clean your room

Make sure that you clean your room regularly. Do not forget to clean your refrigerator's seal because mold can grow rapidly in that place. Mold can be dangerous because it can exaggerate your allergy symptoms.

3. Avoid smoking

If you suffer from allergies, try to avoid smoking. One of the most common allergy symptoms is asthma. Cigarette smoke will induce your asthma attack. The best thing you can do is avoid smoking. Try to reduce your smoking habit to enjoy your perfect life.

4. Use an air purifier

This is a powerful device that can dramatically reduce the allergens in your house. You can also buy the air purifier and humidifier for treating your allergies. Air purifier removes all allergens from the air. The humidifier reduces the humidity of your room. Humid air can trigger your allergy attacks. Both of those devices are effective to manage your allergies well. If you need to use an air purifier, you need to purchase the one with a HEPA filter. This filter trap more particles of spores, pollen, pet dander, from the air.

5. Keep your windows closed

Keep your windows closed every day. It is important to prevent the allergens that might come to your house. If you want to have air circulation, you can use an air conditioner to do so. It is better for you, especially if you are allergic to pollen or dust from the environment.

Try to use those simple tips above to have your beautiful life without allergies. You need to visit your doctor at least once a month to control your allergies.

Discover Some Effective Ways To Control Your Allergies

If you have allergies, you might have some allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, sore throat, and even vomiting. However, you do not have to worry anymore because you can manage the allergy symptoms easily. In this article, you can see some effective tips to treat your allergies effectively.

1. Choose the best options for your backyard

If you want to decorate your backyard, you have to do some research about pollen. You should avoid having some trees, especially if they have a lot of pollen. The olive tree is one of the most common trees used by many people for decoration. However, you should be careful with this tree because it has a lot of pollen that can cause allergy attacks easily. Watering your trees in your backyard every day is very effective to reduce the pollen in the air.

2. Avoid using carpet in your house

You need to remove your carpet from your house, especially if you want to reduce the amount of allergens in your house. Try to substitute the carpet with hardwood flooring surface. By doing this, you will be able to clean your house easily. Make sure that you clean your house every day to get rid of those allergens from your house. If you still need to use a carpet in your house, make sure that you always vacuum it every day.

3. Try to use commercial medication

You might find out that the allergy treatment is very expensive. Many people are trying to use some alternatives medicine to control their allergies. You can do the same thing. There are some effective products available at the local health or drug stores. Most of them do not have any negative side effects when you consume them.

4. Consume Vitamin C

In order to control your allergies, you have to improve your immune system. One effective method to improve your immunity is by eating foods with high vitamin C. You will find vitamin C in some fruits and vegetables. You can also get vitamin C by getting some vitamin C supplements from your local health store. This vitamin is effective to boost your immunity.

5. Call the exterminator service

You need to keep your house clean from insects or rodents. It is very important because those animals can seriously exacerbate your allergy symptoms. Try to make an appointment with the exterminator service to keep your house clean from those animals. They will help you to reduce those animals and prevent them from attacking your house again.

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Use a Chlorine Filter To Reduce Your Chlorine Allergy

Do you feel uncomfortable swimming in public pool? Do you get itchy skin after taking a shower in your house? You should be careful with those symptoms because you might be allergic to chlorine. In this article, you will learn what you need to do if you have chlorine allergy.

Chlorine Allergy

Chlorine is a chemical compound used in the water treatment process. People usually use this compound to remove any unwanted living organism from the water. They usually put chlorine in swimming pool. Water in our house contains chlorine because people also put chlorine in the water to remove any bacteria living inside. Nowadays, many people are sensitive to this product. You might be one of them. If you are sensitive to chlorine, make sure that you read this article to learn more how to use house chlorine water filter to reduce your allergy symptoms. You need to use this filter to remove all residual chlorine in the water.

Benefits of a Chlorine Filter

There are many benefits of using this chlorine filter to reduce your allergy symptoms. Here, I only show you some common benefits that you will get if you put chlorine filter on your shower.

1. Get healthy hair

Many hairdressers believe that chlorinated water causes excessive dryness of your hair. They always recommend you to wash your hair with shampoo after swimming in order to remove chlorine from your hair. When you use chlorine filter, you will be able to rinse your hair with clean water without any residual chlorine in the water.

2. Reduce your allergy symptoms

If you are allergic to chlorine, it is better for you to put a filter on your shower. Do not let yourself be exposed to chlorine because it will lead you to severe symptoms, such as asthma, itchy eyes, itchy throat, itchy skin, rashes, or even vomiting. By putting this filter on your shower, you will be able to control your allergy effectively.

3. Cut down your allergy treatment cost

You can cut down your allergy treatment cost, especially if you are allergic to chlorine. Using the chlorine filter in your house is cheaper than using some allergy medications from your doctor. This chlorine filter does not have side effects that can threaten your life.

4. Filter some chemical contaminants from your water

This filter will also help you to remove all unwanted chemical contaminants from the water. By doing so, you will be able to reduce your allergy symptoms quickly.

This news article is brought to you by HOME-IMPROVEMENT - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 18, 2012

ADD and Allergies - Is There a Link?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders in the United States and is typically a life long problem. Children with ADHD often struggle with low self-esteem, troubled relationships, poor performance in school, focus and attention problems, difficulty controlling behavior and hyperactivity.

If your child has more than 3 of these symptoms, allergies could be the culprit.

  • Inattention
  • Easily Distracted
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Become bored, especially if it's something they don't like.
  • Difficulty focusing.
  • Organizational skills are usually lacking and learning new things can be a challenge.
  • Poor followthrough. Not finishing homework assignments, losing homework and misplacing items are typical.
  • Doesn't seem like they are listening when spoken to.
  • Daydream
  • Problems following directions, becomes confused easily.
  • Can't sit still.
  • Constantly talking
  • Must touch everything in sight.
  • Have trouble sitting still in school, at dinner or on the bus.
  • Is constantly in motion.
  • Problems with quiet time.
  • Impatient
  • Blurts out inappropriate comments, shows emotions without restraint and act without regard to consequences
  • Have difficulty waiting for a reward or waiting in line.
  • Often interrupt conversations.

Why is ADD under-reported?

Because children may sit quietly and may not be paying attention to what they are doing, the child can be overlooked, parents and teachers may not notice that he or she has ADHD.

Could food allergies have an effect on your child's behavior?

That's the word from doctors at Long Island College Hospital in New York City, who presented their findings at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in Denver.

The study involved 20 children between the ages of 5 and 18, all of whom had been diagnosed with ADHD. But only two had been evaluated for allergy problems, even though all had a family history.

The researchers screened the children for allergic rhinitis, using not only a focused personal and family history, but also blood and other types of allergy testing for mold, cockroaches, dogs, cats, feathers, ragweed, trees and grass.

The results? Eight of the children (40 percent) were diagnosed with asthma or atopic dermatitis, three (23 percent) with allergic rhinitis, and nine (69 percent) had at least one positive allergy test. Fifteen of the 20 also had a history of at least two allergic symptoms.

Based on those findings, the researchers concluded that a high percentage of children with ADHD may also harbor allergies.

The authors suggest all children diagnosed with ADHD should also be tested for seasonal and environmental allergies and that treatment might improve their overall behavior and symptoms.

Many parents will acknowledge that too much soda and candy makes their kids bounce off the walls on a sugar high, but what if a child's persistent hyperactivity was caused by tomatoes, eggs, gluten or some other seemingly innocuous food?

That is what a Dutch study published found. In kids with ADHD, researchers found that putting them on a restrictive diet to eliminate possible, previously unknown food allergies or sensitivities decreased hyperactivity for 64 percent of kids.

It isn't the first time researchers have tried to link ADHD to things kids eat, such as sugar, food dyes or other preservatives, but even with this recent study, pediatricians remain skeptical of a true connection between diet and hyperactivity disorders.

A study published today in the Journal of Pediatrics says that one type of pesticide commonly used on fruits and vegetables may be contributing to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD.

Researchers took urine from over 1,000 participants ages 8 to 15 and analyzed it for pesticides. 119 of the children had symptoms of ADHD. Those with the highest concentration of pesticides were more likely to have the disorder, according to the study.

"It's consistent with other studies that have looked at organophosphate pesticides and have found that exposure of children to organophosphates in early life can cause brain injury. This study builds on those other studies," said Dr. Philip Landrigan, chairman of the Department of Community and Preventive Medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

If there is a link between allergies and behavior problems, if we are able to eliminate allergies from these children, would it be possible to improve behavior, concentration and offer these kids a more normal life. That's the opinion of Dr. Ynge Ljung who has created a home allergy treatment that addresses what is believed to contribute to this disorder.

The Allergy Kit, as it is called, not only treats most food allergies, but also treats herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, vaccines and childhood vaccinations. Milk, sugar and gluten are also believed to contribute to ADD and is also treated in The Allergy Kit using natural allergy remedies.

Do yourself and your child a favor and check out the newest natural allergy treatment and get your life back and bring peace back to your family. It's fast, easy, safe and permanent.

This news article is brought to you by BACK-PAIN - where latest news are our top priority.

Best Home Remedies To Treat Your Allergies

Are your allergies disturbing your daily activities? If you have allergies, you should keep reading this article. You are not the only one who suffers from allergies. There are millions of people in the world who also have to deal with allergies in their life. In this article, you will see some effective ways to control your allergies.

1. Take an antihistamine

If you want to manage your allergies, you should try to consume antihistamine. It is an effective medication that you can use to treat your allergies. You should try it first to make sure that the medicine does not bring any negative impacts to your body. Do not forget to read the instructions closely before consuming it. Some people might feel dizzy or sleepy when they take this medication for the first time. If this is your first time taking an antihistamine, you should stay at your house after taking it. Do not drive your car to avoid any unwanted situation to happen.

2. Keep your car clean

Allergies can come from many things, including some pollens in your car. If you have allergies, you should clean your car regularly and keep it close to prevent any allergens to come into it. Do not forget to vacuum the seats and the fabric surfaces to remove all allergens, such as dust or insects. Those allergens can cause some allergic reactions to the body. Do not open the windows when driving your car. This is necessary to keep your car clean.

3. Vacuum your house regularly

Dusting your house, at least once a week, is beneficial if you want to deal with your allergies better. Some people do not clean their house often enough because they say that they do not have enough time to clean their house. However, if you take some more time to clean your house, you will be able to prevent allergies easily.

4. Sell your carpets and rugs

It is necessary to sell all carpets that you have in your house. Many allergens, such as pollen or dust particles, tend to build up on your carpets quickly. By avoiding those carpets and rugs, you will be able to control your allergies effectively.

By following those easy tips above, you will be able to control your allergies effectively. If you want to treat your allergens well, you should try to avoid the allergens that you are allergic to.

This news article is brought to you by GADGETS NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Best Natural Foods To Treat Your Allergies

There are many treatments that you can use to control your allergies effectively. I recommend you to use natural home remedies to treat your allergies. They usually do not have any side effects for your body.

Natural allergy treatment is relatively safer and cheaper than the medical treatment. In this article, I'll show you some natural foods that are very effective to help you to build your immune system so you will be able to manage your allergies more effectively.

1. Green tea

Green tea contains antihistamine and antioxidant to prevent your allergy symptoms. You should consume green tea regularly to manage your allergies. Hot green tea is very effective to help you to improve your immune system. If you have strong immune system, you will be able to combat allergies more effectively.

2. Honey

Local harvested honey is effective to treat your allergies because it can help you to build your immune system. You can consume honey directly or mix it with some other foods, such as bread, cookies, and many more. Honey can also be used to substitute sugar. I recommend you to consume honey in a daily basis, if you want to treat your allergies.

3. Ginger tea

Ginger tea is very popular among Chinese people. They always believe that ginger contains many nutrients that can help you to improve your immune system. Ginger tea also contains good antioxidants that will help you to treat your allergies. You have to boil the ginger root in water to make ginger tea that you can consume every day. The tea helps you to improve your immune system effectively. By doing so, you will be able to combat your allergies faster.

4. Fresh fruits and vegetables

In order to improve your health, you have to make sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals from your diets. Fruits and vegetables are very beneficial for your health because they contain so many vitamins and minerals that you need to improve your immunity. You can consume fruits and vegetables directly, or you can convert them into fruit juices.

Those foods are very effective to help you to improve your immune system. By improving your immune system, you have a higher chance to get rid of allergies easier. Do not forget to visit your allergy doctor if you do not see any significant results in more than a month after you follow those tips above.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cures For Sinusitis Relief

Sinus pressure is actually a symptom of an infection or congestion in the sinus cavities caused by a multitude of things. To find sinus pressure relief you should first understand the cause of this condition to be able to understand the way to deal with it. You can find over-the-counter remedies and you'll find far more natural ways to fight the battle.

There are several circumstances that will trigger sinus pain, pressure, and drainage and they can be:

A Cold or Flu
Sinus Infection/Fungal Sinus Infection

With any of these illnesses there is often swelling within the sinus that creates discomfort plus blockage. There can also be drainage which is yellow colored. Bad breath and also laryngitis along with a sore throat may be present. There might be coughing plus there is always a feeling of tiredness and irritability together with the other signs and symptoms. If it is serious enough there may perhaps be a fever.

Sinus Pressure Relief For Allergic Reactions:

Allergies play a massive role in causing a sinus infection with the way your body reacts to the things it truly is allergic to. Things that will bring about allergies may possibly bring about a sinus infection. A few of those triggers are:

Dust and Dust Mites
Animal Dander

Most of these issues could be resolved simply by dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning all the floors, blinds, and furnishings every week or even more. Allergy covers on the bed and also pillows may bring relief. Whenever these kinds of measures are used, allergy symptoms shall be decreased that will alleviate sinus signs and symptoms as well as avoiding any sinus infection. For Pollen the very best thing to do is always to stay clear of it, stay in the house in the morning for instance as that's when pollen levels are at it is highest.

Colds and flu signs and symptoms are very much the same to sinus infection symptoms and really should be treated with care so that they will not progress into a complete blown sinus infection. Colds and flu can plug the sinus cavities as well as cause discomfort unless these are treated.

Sinus infections are more severe and can be a cause for a journey to the medical doctor. You can really feel really sick having a sinus infection and could have a fever with pain and chills. The sinus cavities plug up and there's usually a post-nasal drip which is yellowish in color and the breath may smell nasty. At times it can come to be so serious that you can not do your normal daily functions. Fungal sinus infections are only able to be healed by medical doctor suggested antibiotics.

Sinusitis Home Remedies:

Here are some sinusitis home remedies that may possibly help your problem:

HEPA filters - These sorts of filters are specially created to trap and filter particles .3 micrometers in size to assist make the space air dirt and allergen free.

Cleansing the sinus cavities using a remedy of saline. This kind of special remedy is made up of 4 ounces of water, 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon of salt. You will blend this up and use a bulb syringe or perhaps a Neti pot to clean the sinus cavities.

Red onions and apples - These food items consist of the anti-inflammatory properties from Quercetin found in them. It is possible to also get a dietary supplement with the exact same ingredient.

Increasing the immune system - This can be done through antioxidant supplements. They need to consist of a few of the following essential ingredients:

1. Vitamin C and E
2. Carotene complex
3. Selenium and Zinc

Yet another method to assist/improve a sinus infection is to include olive leaf extract and garlic in your every day diet regime. The overgrowth of yeast is believed to be linked to sinus problems.

If you decide to these easy tips you will be on your way to sinus pressure relief. These types of all-natural ways to manage and also enhance your sinuses and can provide you with the relief you will be looking for.

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Some Simple Home Remedies For Allergies

Are allergies controlling your life? Do you feel uncomfortable with your allergy symptoms? If that's the case, you are not alone. Many people also suffer from allergies. Fortunately, there are many effective treatments that you can use to get rid of your allergies. In this article, you will see some of those effective home remedies for your allergies.

1. Use nasal irrigation

If you are not familiar with nasal irrigation, consult with your doctor about it. It is usually used to help your sinus problem by using salt and water. Many doctors believe that this method is very effective to treat your allergy symptoms. You can get the nasal irrigation device very easily from the retailer store.

2. Keep your animal healthy

You should keep your animals healthy to reduce your allergy symptoms. Sick animals can bring many unwanted microorganisms, such as bacteria or mold, to your house. Those things can exaggerate your allergy symptoms. Bring your animals to the pet salon at least once a month to control their health.

3. Avoid smoking

Smoking is really dangerous for those of you who have allergies because it can clog your nasal system. As the result, you won't be able to breathe easily. Many research show that smoking is very bad for your health because it can stimulate the growth of cancer cell in your body. You should stop smoking now if you want to get your healthy life.

4. Avoid living in big city

Many people find that living in big city can actually exacerbate their allergy symptoms because of the air pollution in big city. If you have allergy, you might consider to move to smaller city with fresher air and environment. However, it might be very difficult for you to leave your big city because you have to work in that area. If that is your case, you don't have to move to smaller city. You just need to spend some time this weekend to visit smaller city to get fresh air. It is very important for treating your allergy symptoms.

5. Keep your bathrooms clean

Your bathrooms are the best place for mold to grow. Mold is very dangerous for you if you have allergies because it can enter your body through your nasal system, decrease your immune system, and exacerbate your allergy symptoms. Make sure that you clean your bathrooms at least once a week. Use bleach and water to clean your bathrooms.

This news article is brought to you by ASTHMA - where latest news are our top priority.

Breathing Through the Night: A Little Trick When Sinuses Are Stuffed

Living in the city has never been easy on Andrea's sinuses; but her mother needed to live close to the hospital where she was a practicing physician. Hence, the city was where Andrea had to live (Andrea is not her real name).

Within a month of moving to Green Bay, Andrea's sinuses swelled to the point where she couldn't breathe through her nose. Being a doctor, her mother figured Andrea had allergies so Andrea took an antihistamine. When this didn't work, her mother thought maybe a sinus infection, so Andrea took antibiotics. When that failed, Andrea was taken to see a specialist. After a myriad of allergy tests, it was determined that Andrea was not allergic to anything, so sinus surgery was recommended. For a month after surgery Andrea's sinuses were clearer; then they swelled again. So she was prescribed a steroid nasal spray and 2 different antihistamines (although the allergy tests were negative). The assessment of the specialist was that Andrea couldn't have swelling of that magnitude without having allergies to something. So her diet was modified and Andrea took the drugs.

For 6 months, even with antihistamines, the steroid nasal spray and the new diet, Andrea still could not breathe out of her nose. When falling asleep each night, her mouth would close and she would stop breathing. She tried several different methods to help her with her night breathing, but nothing worked for any length of time.

As Andrea's grades fell because she was tired all day long, Andrea talked to one of her teachers at school who always talked with a nasal voice. How did the teacher manage to get any sleep?

"It's a simple trick," the teacher stated. "I use part of a snorkel at night."

The teacher proceeded to describe how she had pulled part of the snorkel apart, leaving only the rubber mouthpiece. The end result was a T-shaped thing. The mouthpiece went into the mouth (the bottom of the T) and there were then 2 tubes for the air to go in and out (the top of the T). Part of the mouthpiece went between the teeth and the outer part went between the lips and front of the teeth and gums. The mouthpiece kept the mouth open. As it was designed for air movement, the teacher was able to breathe all night long without her mouth closing. Since there were 2 air tubes, if one was blocked by the pillow, the other was open to air-at no time were both air tubes blocked.

Andrea bought herself a cheap snorkel and made it work as the teacher instructed. She began to sleep through the night.

This news article is brought to you by EXOTIC PETS - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Living With Shrimp Allergies: 5 Tips That May Save Your Life

Eating shrimps can trigger a shrimp allergy. Sometimes other crustaceans such as crabs, prawns, and lobsters may also cause an allergic attack. However, a shrimp allergy may not be present at birth. It can be developed over time. The exact cause of this progression is still unclear. What is sure is that it can arise in people with a predisposition to develop this allergy. One of the major risk factor in its development is genetics. Having a parent with hypersensitivity to shrimp will increase your chances of having shrimp allergies as well. The probability increases to 70 percent if both parents have the allergy.

Anaphylaxis or anaphylactic reactions are the most serious allergic responses to shrimp. The symptoms in anaphylaxis may progress from mild to severe in a matter of seconds. This reaction should be looked out for and treated without delay. Unmanaged anaphylaxis can lead to anaphylactic shock, and even death.

Listed below are 5 essential and practical tips that may save your life during allergy attacks.

  • Carry your EpiPen with you. The number one medication prescribed for anaphylactic reaction is epinephrine. Injectable epinephrine is available as EpiPen and Twinject. EpiPen Jr. is also available for the use of children. When going out, make sure you have at least one injectable epinephrine pen with you. Should an anaphylaxis occur and you have used the pen, proceed to the nearest hospital. You may need further medical treatment. Also, give your used pen to your doctor. Inform him or her that you have already injected yourself with epinephrine.

  • Keep important medicines in a simple and easy to reach location. Injectable epinephrine, asthma medications and other drugs you use to manage your allergy may be kept in one place. Alternately, you can also store it in a first aid kit. Just make sure that you will remember where you put your medicines and it is easily identifiable. This way either you or a member of your household will know where to find it during emergencies.

  • Alert close friends and family of your allergy to shrimps. It is not only prudent, but also important to inform your friends and family of your allergy. This way, they may be able to help control and minimize your exposure to the allergen. Moreover, they may be able to help you should an anaphylactic attack occur. Many people want to know how to help. Guide them and talk to them about possible food cross reactions and cross contamination.

  • Wear a medic alert bracelet. A medic alert bracelet is a piece of jewelry which has your name and your allergy engraved on it. This enables anyone coming to your aid to know what you are allergic to. It is useful in instances where you are unable to talk or become unconscious. This bracelet will alert the medics as to a possible cause of your predicament. Precious time can be saved this way.

  • Call 911. Put 911 in your speed dial. If you suspect that you have accidentally eaten shrimp or other seafood, call 911 immediately. Especially if you already feel breathless or are wheezing. Quickly inform them of your address and the possibility of an anaphylactic attack. This should be done before your symptoms get any worse.

During an anaphylactic attack, time is your enemy. The longer you wait to treat the attack, the worse you will become. It is best to create a proactive plan and follow the tips listed above to avert any fatalities. Learn more about the symptoms and triggers of shrimp allergy. Read more articles such as this and be empowered. As they say "forewarned is forearmed."

This news article is brought to you by ECONOMY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Some Natural Treatments For Your Allergies

You probably suffer from allergies if you are frequently sneezing, coughing, sneezing, or having a runny nose. You need to be very careful because some allergy symptoms are very similar to the regular cold. Make sure that you're able to identify your allergies. Continue reading this article to see how you can overcome your allergy issues.

1. Keep your bathrooms clean

Your dirty bathrooms can allow many kinds of mold to grow rapidly. You have to clean your bathrooms at least twice a week. Make sure that you clean your bathrooms by using chlorine solution. It is very effective to kill many types of mold. You can also install de-humidifier to remove moisture from the air in your bathrooms. By doing so, you will prevent mold to grow in your bathrooms.

2. Consume more healthy foods

Try to eat more fruits and vegetables to improve your immune system because they contain many vitamins that will be very useful to help you to fight allergies. You can also take some supplements that are available at many retailer stores. Many doctors believe that vitamin C is very effective to combat your allergies.

3. Use mask when you go outside

You should use your mask when you go outside, especially if you're living in a big city. A big city is full of smog and all types of pollutants. If you live in big city and you have problems with allergies, you probably want to take several days off to leave the city for a while to visit smaller cities with good and clean air. It will help you to recover from your allergies.

4. Keep your kitchen clean

The best way to manage your allergies is to remove all crumbs in your home, especially in your kitchen. This is very important because crumbs attract mice and cockroaches. And, the solid waste they leave behind can trigger allergies in some people.

5. Call pest control or exterminator service

Don't forget to call an exterminator service if your house has mouse or insect problem. This problem can aggravate your allergy symptoms. You may want to consider hiring an exterminator to get rid of these rodents. By doing so, you will be able to keep your house clean from those pests.

From those tips above, you should be able to use your knowledge to combat against your allergies. Enjoy your life by taking advantage of these great tips.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How To Use These Natural Tips To Treat Your Allergies

If you have allergies, you should know that you are not the only one. Many people also suffer from allergies. They are trying to find the best way to manage their allergies. Read this article to get more ideas to treat and control your allergy symptoms. In this article you can find some effective ways to handle your allergies and avoid future problems from those allergies.

1. Clean your house

The best way to lower your allergic reactions is to clean your house regularly. Many people don't like cleaning their house. However, it's actually a simple task to do. Cleaning your house does not take so much time. You just need to clean your house at least twice a week. By doing this, you will be able to control your allergies better.

2. Close your windows

Keep your windows closed when it's possible. This protects you from dirt, pollen, insects, and any other particulates from entering your house. Many experts believe that those things can exaggerate your allergy symptoms. If you want to have circulated air, you can use air conditioner and air purifier in your house. Don't forget to use air conditioner with filter to reduce the amount of allergens inside your house.

3. Avoid using carpets

Minimize the use of carpets and rugs in your house because they are a great place for dust, mites, and pollen to build up. If you really want to use them in your house, make sure that you clean them regularly. You should clean your carpets or rugs at least once a week to eliminate the allergens. Don't forget to use hot and soapy water when you wash your carpets to kill any insects, bugs, or mites that may grow on your carpets.

4. Consume more probiotics

Increase your immune system by consuming more probiotics, such as yogurt or kefir. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that can help you to improve your health. They can help you to fight against your allergies. You can get yogurt and kefir in your local retailer store. You can also create some delicious foods with yogurt or kefir by using some recipes from the internet.

After reading those simple tips above, you should be able to take care of your allergies. Those natural tips above are really helpful for you to prevent allergies in the future. Try to use those natural tips to control your allergies better.

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Five Simple Solutions For Your Allergy Symptoms

When you suffer from allergies, your life can be more difficult. For example, when you want to go out, you have to do research about your destination to make sure that there is nothing that can exacerbate your condition. Fortunately, in this article you can see some useful tips that can help you to manage your allergies, so that you can stop worrying about your allergies.

1. Bring your antihistamine medication with you

If you have allergy to some particular allergens, don't forget to keep your antihistamine medication in your pocket or vehicle. By doing this, you will be ready to assist yourself when you are exposed to an allergen that can create severe reaction. You will never know when it happens, but it can happen to you anytime.

2. Use mask when you're working outside

Don't forget to use a mask when you are cutting the grass or working in your backyard. Pollen and grass from your backyard can easily contribute to your allergy issues. You should cover your mouth and nose to avoid those allergens. Avoid working in your backyard between 5 a.m and 11 a.m because the number of pollen is very high at this time.

3. Take care of your animals

Keep your animals groomed well if you have to deal with allergies. Routine cleaning does not only take out excess hair and dander, but it also keeps animals from getting pollen from the environment. By doing so, you are able to keep your body and your animal healthy in the same time.

4. Avoid using deodorant

One thing that you can do to keep your allergies under control is to be careful with deodorant or antiperspirant that you use regularly. This is important because these items contain some chemicals that are dangerous for your body, especially if you have allergies. Try to use perfume on your clothes instead of deodorant. It will minimize the chemical exposure to your body.

5. Get a portable air purifier

Purchase a portable air purifier for your house. Make sure that the device has HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter to remove allergens from the air in your house. Put the air purifier in your bedroom to get an allergy-free night's rest.

As previously mentioned, living with allergies can be hard. After all, you'll never know when something is going to cause the following flare up. After reading this article, you should be able to handle your allergies easily, so that they do not interfere your day-to-day life anymore.

This news article is brought to you by MISERABLE OR HAPPY DIVORCE - where latest news are our top priority.

Best Way To Remove Your Allergies Effectively

Allergies can be caused by many factors, such as foods, animal dander, pollen, and many other factors. If you are unfortunate to suffer from those allergens, you are probably looking for some effective ways to reduce your symptoms. In this article, you will read some effective methods to make your allergy symptoms easier to deal with.

1. Keep your space clean

For the best results, make sure that your house and your rooms are kept clean at all times. You may have several allergies in the same time, so you need to clean your house routinely. You need to remove the allergens around you to recover from allergies. Keep your living areas neat and tidy at all times.

2. Wash your hair more often

It is essential for those of you who are allergic to dust or pollen to wash your hair more often. Some of these allergens may be trapped in your hair. They can enter into your nasal system and exacerbate your allergies. When the number of allergens are really high during the year, you should wash your hair routinely to remove those allergens from your hair

3. Avoid synthetic dyes or colorants

Your allergies can be triggered by synthetic dyes or colorants, so you need to avoid products that contain them. Try to use products with no colorants in your house to help you to recover from allergies. Nowadays, there are many products that might contain synthetic colorants. Now it's time for you to throw them away and change them with more natural products.

4. Do not use attic fan

An attic fan can bring outside air into your house along with many allergens found out there. By avoiding the use of the attic fan, you will be able to keep your allergies controlled. Don't forget to close your window when the number of pollen is very high, especially during spring or summer season.

5. Consult with your doctor

Visit your doctor to get better solution for your allergies. Many people who suffer from allergies don't want to visit their doctor because it's very easy to run to the store and buy the allergy medicine over the counter. However, your doctor may have better information on what can cause an allergy in your body. He could also give you the best options that you could choose from. A doctor can give you a professional opinion that you may not have considered before.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Wondering About Allergies and Germicidal UV?

With the continuing effects of allergies and how they affect so many people it is no wonder people are confused about germicidal UV. Where is the best place to install a germicidal UV light? Or is this harmful to my family or pets? The facts are that no matter who you talk to about germicidal UV you will never get the same answer.

This seems to be why there is such a large misunderstanding of UV. How can a germicidal light be a benefit to me and my allergies? How is this strange light that we read so much about and have a fear of going to help people with allergies? Is all of this just some paid sponsorship by manufacturers?

Germicidal UV cannot be seen by the naked eye. It's this special ultraviolet wavelength that kills germs and microorganisms such as bacteria, mold, and viruses. Mold in your home continues to give off spores continually affecting your sinuses. The mold that hides at home lives in moist areas, corners of windows, and in the ducts of your furnace. These microorganisms are out of sight and continually irritating your sinuses for the never ending allergy battle.

One solution for allergies is germicidal UV. People who are looking for help with the itchy eyes and runny nose brought about by allergies are pleasantly surprised by ultraviolet light. Everything that doctors, universities and people are saying leads to one obvious conclusion: you need clean air. Research suggests that the use of germicidal UV will in fact clean the air. How? The use of high-quality air filters and replacing them regularly will take out allergens, then the ultraviolet germicidal will kill microorganisms.

For homes with forced air systems, put your germicidal UV in the ducts. Most everyone can do the installation themselves with just basic hand tools. It's easy and only takes a few minutes. Change your air filters every three months and the germicidal lamp every two years.

For those who rent or just want to clear the air in one specific spot, use the roll around mobile unit, it's completely self-contained. It works just like the permanent installation with the combination of germicidal UV light and a hepa filter to be continually effective. Moving air over the germicidal UV light and through the filter is the key. The portable air cleaner can be taken to bedrooms or any place in the house you want to clean the air.

Do you realize that you spend over 80% of your time inside your own home? This would seem to be the best place to start an effective allergy program. Many businesses are using them in waiting areas where people congregate to stop the spread of viruses and pollen before they can cause a problem, which is the key.

It is affordable for everyone. It's only a matter of figuring out what will work the best in your situation. You can achieve allergy relief!

This news article is brought to you by ACCOUNTING - where latest news are our top priority.

Some Effective Home Remedies For Allergies

Allergy is a common condition suffered by many people in the world. It is actually a reaction from your body against some foreign materials. Those foreign materials that can cause allergic reaction are usually called as allergens. Some allergies can cause pain or suffering on your body. You might suffer from allergies and you really want to have a beautiful life without allergies. Read this article to learn how you can use these home remedies to reduce your allergic reaction.

1. Avoid pet dander

Many doctors believe that animal dander is one of the most common allergens that can exaggerate your allergic reaction. If you have allergies, make sure that you do not have animals in your house. Always keep your pets outside to prevent you from their dander. This simple method will help you to get recovered from your allergies.

2. Do not use carpet in your house

If you have allergies, consider to throw away your carpet because it can gather up lots of dust, dust mites, bugs, pollen, and many more allergens. You can change your carpet with wood flooring. The wood flooring is very recommended for you who have allergies because it can be cleaned easier. By doing this, you will be able to reduce the amount of allergens in your house. Make sure that you clean your floor everyday to keep your house clean.

3. Buy "dust mite resistant" cover for your pillow

Dust mites are also considered as common allergens that can worse your allergic reaction. They really love to grow on your pillow. Once they grow on your pillow, they will grow there forever. It will be very difficult to remove them. By using "dust mite resistant" cover for your pillow, you will reduce their growth in your house. You also have to wash your pillow case every week to keep it clean. Don't forget to wash it in hot and soapy water to kill all dust mites that might grow on the pillow case.

4. Use air cleaner in every room you have

It is very difficult for you to detect all of the allergens in your house. Air cleaner is one thing that can help you to remove some allergens from the air in your house easily. You can find it very easily in your local retailer store. Put those air cleaners in every room you have to help you to keep your house clean everyday.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Beer Allergy: Symptoms And Causes Of An Allergy to Beer

Having beer allergy is not something that everyone is familiar with. Other food allergies, people can understand. They are even familiar with peanut allergy. However, if you mention that you have an allergy to beer, an incredulous look will appear on the face of your friend.

Beer is a beverage beloved to all. Manly men and gregarious laughter are often associated with beer drinking. An ice cold glass of beer in one hand and a juicy hotdog in the other is usually seen on game nights. Whoever would have believed that there is something in beer which can make other people itch.

Beer allergy is not very common. This is because sometimes the symptoms of hypersensitivity to beer may be masked by symptoms of too much drinking. So how do you know if its beer allergy? Simple, if you experience itchiness or facial flushing with even a sip of beer, then it is possible you may have beer hypersensitivity. To confirm this assumption, several laboratory procedures may be done. The allergy to beer develops when one of the components that make up beer is mistaken by the immune system as something bad. These components can be from the barley, yeast, wheat or sulfates. When these are consumed in beer, the allergic reaction starts.

Itchiness over all areas of the body, flushing or red faced, swollen lips, and shortness of breath characterizes an allergic reaction to beer. Sometimes, allergy to other substances such as yeast and wheat means an allergy to beer may also develop. Of course, it could also be that some beers have lower concentrations of allergens than others. However, these allergies should not be taken for granted.

Anaphylactic reactions may also develop in this type of allergy. This is when uncontrolled allergic responses are compounded in one person. Suffocation plus irregular heartbeats observed in a person may indicate the onset of the response.

Treating beer allergy involves treating the associated symptoms. There is no known cure for this allergy, or any other allergy for that matter. The use of antihistamines is to manage exacerbations of rashes and hives. Bronchodilators open up clogged air ways. These two are the mainstays of therapy for beer allergy. Another way to address the problem is to relax. Stress aggravates skin conditions involved in allergic attacks.

Although true allergic reactions to beer are uncommon, several information sources are available through the internet. More facts regarding beer allergy can be found if you search the right place.

This news article is brought to you by HOME-BASED-BUSINESS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Welcome to Spring!

Winter in the South this year appears to be nearly over. People are getting out into their yards, planting flowers and gardens, and enjoying the sunshine; however, for some the season change brings something not at all pleasant. It brings asthma and allergies. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, one of every five people in the United States will be struck by asthma or allergies. The group also states that of the 20 million Americans who have asthma, fifty percent of them have asthma that is related to allergies. For some it may seem that the only safe place for escaping allergic triggers may be to take refuge indoors. It is a nice thought though, assuming that you could convince your boss to continue paying your bills that is, if one of the worst allergic triggers wasn't located indoors as well. Besides all the personal suffering that's involved with these breathing problems, there are also the problems of missed school or work, visits to the doctor or hospital, and expensive medical bills.

One very common substance that can be removed from the walls and air within a structure is mold. Unless you live in an operating room, or some other facility with a top of the line ventilation system, you are probably living with some form/level of mold. Where there is water or moisture in the air consistently (leaky water pipes), there is also the extremely high chance that mold can begin growing.

In a study done by Cardiff University in the UK, homes in Wales were tested to see the effects of removing mold from the walls and air. One half of the sample was treated to remove the mold immediately, and the other half of the sample had the treatment delayed by twelve months. Although the study could not prove that the mold caused the asthma, it did prove that the health of the fifty percent who received immediate remediation improved. There was less dependence on inhalers, and some of the symptoms of asthma disappeared or became milder in the homes receiving treatment.

If you or those in your family or business have asthma or seasonal allergies, it would certainly be worth your time to have a mold inspection done. If you have allergies that seem to persist year round, there is a good chance that mold could be your problem. To be sure that the entire structure has been tested correctly, you should seek the help of a reputable company that offers guaranteed services by certified technicians. This is assuming of course that you can't see the mold yourself. Even in a situation where you know that mold is the culprit, it is still wise to receive a mold inspection as it will leave you with what is called a protocol. In other words, it is that company's recommendation for fixing the mold problem that your insurance company will almost always ask for before assisting you financially in solving your home crisis woes!

This news article is brought to you by ECONOMY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Some Ideas To Get Rid of Your Allergies

You probably had some of these allergy symptoms before. Coughing or sneezing could happen in your life every day. Normally these symptoms happens at the same time every year. When you have those symptoms, you should be very careful because you probably have allergies in your body. You should visit your doctor soon. But before you visit your doctor, you should read this article to give you some ideas to relieve your allergies right from your own house.

Drink enough water could help you to reduce your allergic symptoms. If your body lacks of fluids, the mucosal membranes can be irritated and dry. It will stimulate your mucousal glands to start producing secretions to your bronchial tubes. That secretion liquid will be the contributor for your allergy, especially if you have bronchial allergy.

If you are allergic to some allergens, such as dust or pollen from the air, you may consider to buy an air purifier to clarify the air in your room. The air purifier should contain HEPA filter. This HEPA filter will drastically lower the amounts of pollen,pet dander, mold spores, and many other allergens present in your home. Make sure that you always search for the air purifier that uses a filter which is easily cleaned and maintained. By doing this, you don't have to go out each month to buy another disposable filter.

If you already knew your allergens, limit yourself to be exposed to the allergens. For example: if you are allergic to dust, make sure that you clean your house regularly. If pets could increase your allergic reaction, make sure that you don't have any pets in your house. Or if you still want to keep them, make sure that your pets are clean and well groomed at all times. Always make sure to clean every pet dander in your house to minimize your allergic reaction.

When you visit your doctor and they give you some medication for your allergy, make sure that you use it properly. You might not see the result instantly. You have to wat for several days to get recovered from your allergy problems. Make sure that you always read the instruction before taking your medication to avoid unwanted side effects on your body.

Now you know some home remedies that you can do to get relieved from allergy. Always make sure that you should consult with your doctor if your allergic symptoms last for more than a month after using those tips above because the symptoms that you suffer might also come from the other diseases.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Allergy Testing: Helping You Avoid Your Allergy Triggers

An allergy occurs when an individual's immune system has a negative reaction to normally harmless substances (dust, fish, nuts or pollen) in their surroundings. An allergen is what causes the allergic reaction and the reactions are usually rapid, predictable, and acquired. An allergy is classified into 4 kinds of hypersensitivity, and formally referred to as type I hypersensitivity (immediate).

If you or a family member is suffering with the reactions of an allergen, you can call a professional allergy clinic and schedule an appointment. Here, an immunologist/allergist who is specially trained to diagnose, treat, and manage your allergies, will customize a treatment plan that is right for you.

In order to determine which allergens you are sensitive to, your allergist will conduct allergy testing on you. These tests can be performed using blood serum or on the skin. The skin tests are the most common and involve potential allergens being placed on the surface of the skin where the doctor will observe the reaction. If you receive positive reactions from any of your tests, this can narrow down what is causing your allergy reaction. When you are aware of what allergens trigger your allergic reaction, you can avoid or eliminate that substance from your life. Allergy testing is also done on individuals that have skin rashes, eczema, or asthma that is difficult to manage to determine if an allergy is responsible for making the condition worse, or for even causing the condition.

Your allergist may recommend allergy shots to treat your allergy problems. More than 85 percent of patients on allergy shots have a positive response to this treatment. These shots can be effective in reducing your need for allergy medication. An allergist/immunologist usually recommends allergy shots for patients that have severe allergy symptoms that may not respond well to medication, or for individuals that may not be able to tolerate allergy medicines. Another effective treatment to help control allergy reactions is taking allergy medication. Many medications can help manage your allergy conditions such as antihistamines that treat hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and conditions like hives.

If you have been suffering with a condition that you do not know quite what it is but you have symptoms such as constant coughing and sneezing, hives, rashes and more, it might be time to see an allergist for allergy testing. A board certified physician will do an assessment of your situation and will help find the right treatment to manage your condition.

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN'S SELF DEFENSE TIPS - where latest news are our top priority.